{ "Description": "Domain ownership verification file for Microsoft 365 - place in the website root", "Domain": "taml.co.nz", "Id": "02dc9a20-d4da-4a6c-a436-06c2eebacff8" } HARDCAT MODULES | taml
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Hardcat Modules

Hardcat Modules and additional user licences can be added as required and can be applied across platforms (Full Client, HardcatWeb, Micat) as needed. 

Flexible Deployment

Add modules as the are needed. The only required module is the Asset Management module.  

Once the module is purchased it is available on all platforms where the module is delivered.

Not all modules are available via HardcatWeb and MiCat and some functionality from the Full Client is not available within those environments. 

User Licencing

Users are supplied on a concurrent user licence basis for Full Client and HardcatWeb. Named licences are applied to MiCat. 

Users can be added at any time across the platforms. 

Software Maintenance

Software Maintenance for Hardcat mandatory and is applied at the rate of 20% of the software cost. 

Payment of the SMA entitles the client to user support and any upgrades issued. 

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