{ "Description": "Domain ownership verification file for Microsoft 365 - place in the website root", "Domain": "taml.co.nz", "Id": "02dc9a20-d4da-4a6c-a436-06c2eebacff8" } Processes | taml
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Depreciation Processes

Total Asset Management has developed a strong suite of monthly and annual processes around the Hardcat Depreciation Module that makes month and year end a breeze. 

Designed to ensure values are reconciled at all stages from asset entry to balance sheet reconciliation the processes are easy to follow with reports and systems designed to match the structure of your balance sheet and the way in whcih you record you asset purchases.  

Recognising that every organisation is different we are able to adapt these core processes to suit with the process covering the following functions:

  1. Recognition of asset purchases

  2. Project and asset costing 

  3. Asset creation.

  4. Pre-Depreciation Reconciliation to reconcile asst data input with Work in Progress 

  5. Reconciling the Depreciation Calculation ensuring that all assets have been depreciated correctly.

  6. Generation of Monthly Reports and Journals for Additions, Disposals and Depreciation Calculations 

  7. Journal generation and posting to the General Ledger 

Contact us to find out about the Hardcat Depreciation module and find out how it can make your depreciation processes difficulties a thing of the past.


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