{ "Description": "Domain ownership verification file for Microsoft 365 - place in the website root", "Domain": "taml.co.nz", "Id": "02dc9a20-d4da-4a6c-a436-06c2eebacff8" } Setup | taml
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Setting up Depreciation

TAML has over 20 years experience setting up asset registers in the Hardcat Asset Management System. This is includes the transfer of asset data from many legacy systems often with an audit in between the two system to provide a new and more accurate asset register. 

The setup process includes the following:

  1. Creating Depreciation Classes and rates based for Accounting and Taxation  

  2. Loading asset values for accounting and taxation.

  3. Reconciling assets to the source data and providing write off schedules for assets that no longer exist. 

  4. Re-categorising assets to ensure like assets are treated consistently.

  5. Reviewing rates assigned to assets ensuring that rates are relevant to the asset and comply with tax rates. 

  6. Splitting bulk assets into individual assets for asset management purposes.  

Talk to us about updating your depreciation system to the Hardcat system and get not only the best depreciation system available and pur expertise in creating an asset register that is fast, accurate and easy to use.   



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